Is it just me or does anyone else get just a TAD bit upset when you go to the gas pump and see the price of unleaded has gone up a significant amount (some cents) since the last time you filled your ride up?? I have been experiencing that for the past month or so now. And I heard that it's way higher in other places than Pflugerville's $3.44 per gallon.
I really don't understand why prices are so high when I've been hearing a buzz about how America has the largest energy resources on the planet, more than Saudi Arabia, China, and Canada combined?? You would think that the president would go with a plan that would create new jobs and decrease our reliance of foreign energy sources but it doesn't seem like he's leaning that way. It's starting to look like Obama is leaning towards the more "greener" side of things, using solar and wind power, which is ok but it's not solving our problems now and I don't think it will anytime soon.
I think we need to take advantage of the resources we have here and become self sufficient. I don't see why we can't?? Maybe I'm missing something here. I don't know. All I know is that the gas prices are going up and it don't seem like they're coming down anytime soon. I've been hearing rumors that gas prices are suppose to be up to $5 bucks by Labor Day. Seriously?? I think I'm gonna look into getting a ten speed.
Ay dios mio!
Yeah, Jasmine the gas prices are getting out of control and probably are not going to chance anytime soon which is sad news to everyone who drives a vehicle. It just doesn't seem right that we are paying such high prices at the pump and you still have police officers setting up speed traps right off of campus. Yes, in case you are wondering I was issued a ticket yesterday. Anyway, I am just fed up with the government making bad decisions, where the citizens are paying for it, literally. It's just at the point for me that I am even skeptical about going "green" I mean is it really going to help us? Yeah, I am all about saving the planet, as long as I don't have to pay a ridiculous price to get the vehicle.
I also agree with you about taking advantages of what we have. We need to find some way to help ourselves out instead of relying on other countries.
President Obama's plan to be greener actually does include a way to decrease the use of gas and increase our self-relience. He is working closely with companies like UPS and FedEx, who use large fleets of vehicles, to use more energy efficient vehicles. And, in doing so, this will create many, many more jobs. His plan, if put into motion, will also decrease the yearly gas use in America by millions of dollars. Maybe if this happens the oil companies hands' will be forced to drop prices of gas, but maybe not.
The oil companies are to blame for the outrageous gas prices. I remember being in high school, driving my first car, and filling up at less than $1.50 a gallon. Now we're getting closer and closer to $4.00 and will soon hit $5.00 even though we have tons of oil just sitting and waiting. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot that can be done about this because oil companies have something that the comman man doesn't have very much of... MONEY. It is an entirely corrupt world out there and it seems that the more money you have, the less you have to abide by the law. In fact, a newspaper article published within the last few years ( I can't remember which newspaper, I believe it was the Times ), asked oil companies to explain themselves and that's it. "Hey, what are you doing?...Oh, that's what you're doing?...Ok. So long as you can explain it we're good." Nobody wants to really step in because America is afraid to fight against them. Those that can afford to don't really care to. And those that can't afford to and do care to, well, they don't get very far.
At this point the best us regular Joes can do is trade in our cars for greener vehicles. Obama's plan about going greener will actually save billions of dollars a year in gas which will make our reserves even higher and, subsequently, make us almost entirely self-relient. The problem is that America has a lot of energy resources in reserve and we're being lied to by big oil companies. They would like us to believe our oil is coming from foreign nations, but truly, we have a pretty large abundance of it just sitting around collecting dust. So that begs the question: Why are we paying so much for it? Well, oil companies and their executives want more money.
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