Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Re: Government is telling us what to eat now? Whaaattt?!

Government is telling us what to eat now? Whaaattt?!
I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing for the lawmakers to pass a bill to ban these artificial trans fats from restaurants. I think that they are just trying to help their citizens be healthier and make better choices. I don't think they're TELLING them what to eat, I just think that they are petitioning to take the bad stuff out of what they already eat. Not everybody necessarily KNOW that its not good. I think it's just a way to educate and keep people knowledgeable of what they are putting in their body and let them go for there. If they don't like the idea then they don't have to go to restaurants, its healthier to cook your own meals at home anyways (and cheaper!) I know there's more important things to deal with but Americans' health should be amongst those important things.

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