Thursday, May 5, 2011

RIP Osama Bin Laden

As we all have heard by now, the U.S. Navy Seals led a raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. After hearing this bit of news I honestly couldn't put my feelings into words. Although this may seem like a triumphant thing for the United States of America, I really don't agree with all the obnoxious celebration that's been going on. I understand that people are excited and that they feel like it's long overdue but he's still a human being and I believe that killing ANYONE isn't right.

What threat was he posing to us? This man was old, run down, and hooked up to a dialysis machine. Do you really think that he was plotting something against the U.S. at this stage in his life? I find it hard to believe so. I know alot of people are saying we never know, he could have been planning another attack on the United States, but there's something that's stopping me from believing that. I feel like he's not the one that they should be worried about. I don't think that he's leading any attacks or plans for attacks on the U.S. Bin Laden was more of an iconic figure, someone who represented terrorism and terrorist attacks, but I really don't think he's the brains behind the equation. 

People are celebrating the death of this man, all because of what they THINK he was planning or trying to plan against the U.S. I felt almost embarrassed seeing people on t.v. yelling, chanting, laughing, holding up signs, engaged in a full blown celebration and I think it's total bull. I guess I'm about doing what's right and I don't feel like that is right for my fellow Americans to celebrate something so devastating. I understand their feelings against this man and people like him but when it comes down to it, death/murder isn't something that we should be celebrating. I guess it's okay to feel happy about it or to feel like the United States accomplished something but to celebrate it, is embarrassing to our country. 

I feel like we should just take it as it is, learn from it, and get on with our lives because I'm already tired of hearing about it.

1 comment:

Eugene Lee said...

hey i read your blog and i added my 2 cents to it.